1. EU Tobacco Ad Ban Overturned
2. 1 in 4 Americans Still Smoking
3. Up In Smoke
4. Smokey Schiphol
5. How To Choose A Cigar
6. Wind of Change in Zimbabwe
7. Innovation versus Stagnation
8. We Are Everyday People
9. From The Mailbag
"There are two kinds of statistics, the kind you look up and the kind you make up." Rex Stout, writer (1886-1975).
EU Tobacco Ad Ban Overturned:
BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The European Union's court overturned an EU ban on tobacco advertising Thursday, ruling that the prohibition was legally flawed. The European Court of Justice said in a statement that the EU's executive arm, the European Commission, has no power in the area of health regulation and therefore no authority to ban tobacco advertising within the 15-nation EU.
Forces Netherlands
Forces Canada: What's New
1 in 4 Americans Still Smoking:
The number of American adults who smoke held steady in 1998 at one in four - a rate that hardly budged during the 1990s despite anti-tobacco campaigns and new kick-the-habit aids like nicotine gum and the patch.
Up In Smoke:
Making new laws is Congress's job, not the courts'. Perhaps when it's all over, that will be the final lesson of the Clinton administration's war on tobacco.
Smokey Schiphol:
The Dutch tv station Veronica TV sent out in their report 'Schiphol Airport, behind the scenes' a dialogue between an US-tourist and a Dutch policeman about the problems the tourist has with people smoking on a spot where a big sign says: 'No Smoking'.
How To Choose A Cigar:
how to cut the cigar... how to light the cigar...
Wind of Change in Zimbabwe:
Zimbabwe’s flavoury tobacco will remain in high in demand, and the only other major exporter of this style being Brazil.

Innovation versus Stagnation :
Philip Morris’ decision to switch to slow-burn paper for its Merit brand demonstrates clearly that innovation will be a driving force in the future, influencing the destiny of paper manufacturers to a large extent.
We Are Everyday People:
The Politically Incorrect Professor:
What about a course on political correctness, on the tyranny within academia that forces students to conform to a prescribed set of views?
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
Index of Articles
From The Mailbag:
"One day I sat thinking, almost in despair; a hand fell on my shoulder and a voice said reassuringly: 'Cheer up, things could get worse.' So I cheered up and, sure enough, things got worse."
James Hagerty
"Whom the gods would make bigots, they first deprive of humor." Rev. James Gillis, author (1876-1957).