The United Pro Choice Smokers Rights Newsletter

June 9, 2000 Issue # 71 The Smoker's Club, Inc.

1. Petition

2. Cigars And Censors

3. Be A Voter

4. RJR Won't Change Ad Policy

5. Cigar Smoking Tips

6. Secrets Of The Healthiest Nation On The Planet

7. Value Of The Australian Tobacco Industry

8. We Are Everyday People

9. From The Mailbag

"What experience and history teach is this: People and governments have never learned anything from history."
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher (1770-1831).

Visit our industry's website and feel free to sign the petition. You may not be from Manitoba but tourism does count and so do your comments.

Cigars And Censors:
There's a common sentiment among lots of folks that, of course, censorship is bad — unless it involves something really important. Such thoughts have clearly occurred to the powers-that-be in New Zealand, as they try to ban Web sites and magazines that deal with tobacco products.

Be A Voter:
If we don't vote, we can't complain! Register To Vote

RJR Won't Change Ad Policy:
RJR's advertising policy is within settlement guidelines, Smith said. In addition to targeting magazines with two-thirds adult readership, RJR examines the magazines' editorial content to ensure that they target mature audiences and reviews the other ads to ensure that they are for products bought by adults.

Cigar Smoking Tips:
Picking, Cutting, Lighting, a cigar...

Secrets Of The Healthiest Nation On The Planet:
Walk into a coffee shop and the smog confirms that Japan is a smoker's paradise - more than half the male population light up regularly.

Value Of The Australian Tobacco Industry:
The Australian tobacco industry contributes to the economy in terms of employment, retail sales and government revenue.


We Are Everyday People:

Lucky Strike Band: Chicago's Own Swinging Lovehammers Take Grand Prize After a Wild Night at The House of Blues

From The Mailbag:

Well, yes, smog may have a more damaging effect on my health, but smog bashing isn't half as much fun as smoker bashing.

Rick Kropp, big-time California anti, just had major cardiac surgery. Since he doesn't smoke and no doubt is a health fanatic, why is he so unhealthy at 51?

Stop trying to dictate "healthful" behavior to adults. It's not the government's job.

It is interesting to note that Greece, a country that has one of the world's highest smoking rates and most lenient smoking laws, is ranked seventh in the world in life expectancy, while Canada, which ostracizes its smoking population with Draconian anti-smoking laws, has an average life expectancy ranked 12th. I wonder if the anti-smoking lobby is making note of these statistics.
Vlasios Melessanakis

If you are thinking of visiting New Zealand for a holiday but you smoke, don't bother. You will not be welcome. Joy Faulkner

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