The United Pro Choice Smokers Rights Newsletter

May 12, 2000 Issue # 67 The Smoker's Club, Inc.

1. WHO

2. Time for smokers' revolt?

3. Trial Lawyers Unleashed

4. Poor Diet As Risky As Smoking

5. In Defense of Smokers

6. Subversive Liberty

7. Smoking Effects

8. We Are Everyday People

9. From The Mailbag

We need to learn to set our course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.
Omar Nelson Bradley

See the companion article below.

Time for smokers' revolt?:
Jewish World Review. ATTENTION, ADULT SMOKERS: Put down your butts and get off your duffs. At the dawn of the new millenium, you are an endangered species.


Trial Lawyers Unleashed:
...If applied against other industries, that principle could threaten the manufacturers of firearms, latex, lead paint, automobiles, liquor and even fast food. Such decisions fly in the face of basic fairness. States should not have greater rights to sue than their own citizens.

Poor Diet As Risky As Smoking:
Poor diet and lack of exercise are related to just as many cancer cases as smoking, according to a new statement by the Food and Nutrition Science Alliance (FANSA), a joint committee whose members include the nation's premier organizations of nutrition experts.

In Defense of Smokers:
I've detected an ominous trend in our society, directed against our civil liberties. …You can get the whole book here, FREE, just by clicking.

Subversive Liberty:
If we accept Mussolini's definition of fascism, we hope you will agree that this has been, for five years now, one of the best anti-fascist sites on the Web.

Smoking Effects:
Ald. Edward Burke's heavy-handed effort to ban smoking in all but Chicago's smallest restaurants is being challenged by a very unlikely source, the Clinton administration's own Department of Energy

We Are Everyday People:

SFD's FAIR COMMENT Message Board

Smoke 'em While You Got 'em

Unfair Taxes: Smokers and only the Smokers should have a right to vote in what is done with our cigarette tax dollars!

Genetically Engineered Food: Despite urging from consumer groups, the U.S. government has stopped short of requiring labels on genetically engineered food. Do you think bio-engineered foods should be clearly marked?

From The Mailbag:

Gerzy Girl: "The American People have been told that a price increase is needed to curb "teen" smoking". Rebuttal: Then why do adults also pay the tax increases and price increases? If these costs are to discourage teens, then only teens should pay these costs. Impossible? No. I'm sure all of you have seen pricing on many items that says, "$1.50 U.S., $2.50 Canada." I've yet to see: $2.50 Adults, $3.95 Teens."

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According to the World Health Report of 5/11/99, there are 300 MILLION to 500 MILLION acute cases of malaria worldwide each year. The disease accounts for one in four of all childhood deaths in Africa.

According to a l996 essay in The Lancet, less than 1% of WHO's budget is spent on malaria control, and this is despite the fact that WHO's annual budget has grown by about 4000% since l950, with 75% going to fund administrative costs.

Of course, WHO is too busy focusing on their important work of eradicating smoking to give a tinker's damn about all those kids (and adults) dying in Africa and elsewhere from malaria, TB, cholera and starvation. Apparently Gro Harlem Brundtland only cares about things that affect people with skin as lily white as her nordic hide.

Maybe Jesse Jackson needs to have a little talk with her about her racist leadership of the WHO.